Most products have been assigned a purity that is estimated based on 1H NMR, HPLC-DAD, GC-FID, GC-MS (+/-1%). Our purities are given on a dry basis and do not include trace water or solvent. For the purity of an individual product please consult the batch-specific reference on the certificate of analysis. Please note that some products are not suitable for HPLC testing.
The chemical purity of technical grade products is estimated to be between 35 to 70%. Reasons why a product may be assigned technical grade status include: lack of stability, the purity is unquantifiable based on the analysis performed, or the purification process is difficult.
Technical grade means the product may lack stability, or its purity is unquantifiable based on the analysis performed, or the purification process is difficult. The chemical purity of technical grade products is estimated to be between 35 to 70%."